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Don't just take our word for it.What We're Going to Cover
The goal of this workshop is to introduce a couple of fundamental concepts of HTML and CSS and get practice writing our first lines of code!
- HTML defines what content is on a website.
- CSS defines how that content looks.
There is a ton to learn about HTML and CSS, and this is only the first step! To learn more, sign up for our Web Development Bootcamp.
Getting Started: Tools
Web Browsers
The main functionality of the browser is to present a web resource in the browser window.
Choose a modern, evergreen, web browser that supports current web standards. Some examples of evergreen browsers include Firefox and Chrome.
CodePen is a free online web editor. This is where we will be writing our code and be able to see a real-time preview of what we build. Best of all you can share what you've created for freeeee.
Next, let's get set up to build our project for today!
You can view the finished product in full-page mode, or you can view the code.
Once you save the pen, you unlock a few extra features. You get even more features if you verify your email address! I would recommend doing that now!
You can edit the layout of the panels by clicking the "Change View" button.
We're going to "fork" a starter file that has all of the necessary text, image links, and colors for our project today.
Intro To HTML: HyperText Markup Language
HTML: The Content Layer
- HTML is the content of a web site.
- HTML tags describe the content inside of them to the web browser.
<h1>This tag describes a heading</h1>
<p>This tag is for paragraphs.</p>
Adding Content with HTML Elements
Paragraphs: whether it's one sentence or more, each paragraph needs its own pair of <p></p> tags.
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is a longer paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
There are six headings tags ranging from <h1> to <h6> used to describe the hierarchy of the page content. To decide which heading to use, think about how you would arrange an essay outline. The most important title should be given an <h1>, with the second most important getting an <h2>, etc.
Essay Title == h1
- Supporting idea == h2
- point 1
- point 2
- Supporting idea == h2
- point 1
- point 2
- First sub-section == h3
- sub-point 1
- sub-point 2
- Second sub-section == h3
- sub-point 1
- sub-point 2
- Conclusion == h2
Grouping elements together
Typographic elements like headings and paragraphs on their own don't do the best job of accurately describing what role that content plays on a web site.
To provide that meaning, we can use semantic elements to give our page some structure and grouping. Some examples of the most common semantic elements are:
These elements act like containers that we can store our headings and paragraph tags inside of. Nesting one element inside of another like so:
<p>A paragraph nested inside of a header element.</p>
<h2>My website heading.</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.</p>
Class Exercise: Add HTML to our project!
Use the provided content to markup the text inside of the <header> and About <section> with the correct HTML elements.
Images & links will be covered next, so don't worry about them for now. If you are unsure just make your best guess!
Elements with attributes
Images use a self-closing tag, which means they have no closing tag like the heading or paragraph tags.
Importantly, an image element requires some additional information for it to function properly. We give our elements this extra info using an attribute.
When adding attributes, we add them in the opening tag. This is what the syntax looks like:
<img src="path/to/image/file-name" alt="Description of the image goes here!">
- The src attribute is used to tell img elements which img to show
- The alt attribute is used to describe the image content (provides alternative text) for non-visual users (accessibility), SEO, and for when the image doesn't load properly
<img src="https://placekitten.com/200/287" alt="striped kitten standing to look at the camera">
Image File Paths
The links in the src attributes that we're looking at today are called absolute paths, meaning that they link out to a resource that exists somewhere else on the internet. These are simple and useful for learning HTML, but they can be risky to use in practice - if someone else owns and hosts the images, they could change at any time. Although we won't be covering them today, generally it's best to instead use relative links to images that are hosted as part of your own site's files.
A hyperlink allows us to travel to a different document, such as another webpage or to a specific location within our website, usually by clicking.
Use the anchor tag, <a> to create the link. It needs its own attribute called href to provide the link's destination.
Anything that goes between the opening tag and the closing tag will be the clickable content that will take you to the source specified in the href attribute.
Lets look at a few examples of how to use links on a website:
<!-- Links to an external website -->
<a href="https://junocollege.com/">Juno College</a>
<!-- Links to a internal section of our website -->
<a href="#about">Go to About Page</a>
<section id="about">About Page</section>
In the second example, we are linking to another section of our website. For the link to understand where it needs to go, we provide a id attribute on the element we want to travel to which matches the same value we provided to the href.
The # character (number sign, octothorp, or hash symbol) designates an element's id.
Class Exercise: Add Links and Images
Put the "Read More" and "Find Out More" text inside anchor elements.
The src and href links are included for us in the CodePen comments.
Don't forget your image alt-text.
That's it! That's all the HTML you'll need for today's project!
Break time!
Questions? Drop them in the Zoom Q&A
Apply for our Web Development Bootcamp
Intro to CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
CSS: The Presentation Layer
- Design language to make HTML more presentable
- Follows its own syntax rules
CSS Syntax and Terminology
- Selector: determines which HTML element(s) to apply the styles to.
- Declaration: style rules written in property:value pairs, are wrapped by curly brackets { } and must end with a semi-colon ;
selector {
property: value;
Properties determine the type of style to be applied (e.g. color). Values are specific to the property (red).
p {
color: red;
Multiple CSS Declarations
Multiple declarations can be added to one selector. Just be sure to end each declaration with a semi-colon and write them on a separate line for readability.
h2 {
background-color: green;
font-size: 50px;
There are many, many CSS properties. New ones are added as old ones are being retired (deprecated). It's good to have a few resources on hand:
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Reference
- https://htmldog.com/references/css/properties/
CSS Colors
There are a bunch of different ways to select colors in CSS! Here are a couple that we are going to look at today:
- CSS keywords use the actual name (e.g. red, green, blue, pink, papayawhip, palegoldenrod, darkcyan, aliceblue, etc)
- Hex codes are a number sign ( # ) followed by six characters (0-9, A-F). The first two spots refer to the amount of red, the third and fourth spots refer to the amount of green, and the last two spots refer to the amount of blue (#RRGGBB). #000000 is black, and #ffffff is white.
Class Exercise: CSS color and background-color
Add the following CSS to your CodePen to see color property be applied to our HTML.
Feel free to experiment with some different color options.
h1 {
color: white;
In addition to the color of our text, we can also change the color of the background of our elements. Add this to your CodePen as well:
a {
color: black;
background-color: #ff8b67;
Color resources:
- http://colours.neilorangepeel.com
- http://coolors.co
- http://wesandersonpalettes.tumblr.com
- http://flatuicolors.com
- http://color.hailpixel.com
Background Images
Beyond colors, we can also use an image as the background of an element using the background-image property.
This property accepts a URL method, and we pass an absolute image link to it. This is similar to how src behaves on an img element in HTML.
section {
background-image: url('https://mywebsite.com/image.png');
Class Exercise: CSS Background-image
Right now our <header> element has a background-color. Lets replace it with a nice Summertime image:
header {
background-image: url(https://juno-content-management.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/coding-101/background.jpg);
We can only see a little bit of our image here, because of the size of our header! We are going to have to make our header bigger!
Let's add a height property of 100vh, which means be 100% of the height of our viewport (the height of the screen we are currently using to view the website).
header {
background-image: url(https://juno-content-management.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/coding-101/background.jpg);
height: 100vh;
Great! We have some more room now, but we can't see the whole image. We need to give our background a background-size!
header {
background-image: url(https://juno-content-management.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/coding-101/background.jpg);
height: 100vh;
background-size: cover;
Class Attributes
How are we going to apply different styles to each of our different sections? This is where our class attribute can come in handy!
Class Exercise: Using class attributes to style
Lets update each <section> in our HTML by adding a class attribute and a value. A class name should try to describe the semantic purpose of the element.
<section class="about"></section>
<section class="gallery"></section>
Instead of using section as the CSS selector, use the class name.
Class selectors are defined by a leading period (.).
/* targets ALL section elements */
section {
background-color: white;
/* applies to any element with the class of about */
.about {
background-color: #fffbe7;
/* applies to any element with the class of gallery */
.gallery {
background-color: #e6fdff;
CSS Typography
There are quite a few CSS properties for styling text. There are a few important ones to discuss today.
First, lets update the typography of our anchor tags and then we will discuss each CSS property.
Class Exercise: CSS Typography Part 1
Add this to your CSS file to provide our links with a bit more styling:
a {
font-family: "Poppins";
font-size: 18px;
text-align: center;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration: none;
- font-family is what we use to change the font of our text. We can use system fonts (fonts that are on your computer) or we can import fonts to use, like from Google Fonts. The fonts we will use today have already been loaded into our project from Google fonts! The fonts will be loaded into our HTML via a link element.
- font-size is what we use to change the font size of our elements. The value can be set in all of the units of measurement available to us in CSS, but it is often set in pixels.
- text-align sets the arrangement of our text on the page. The value for
text-align can
be center, left, right, or
justified (Justified is what newspapers often use to take up the whole
width of space!)
- text-transform is used to change our text between lowercase and uppercase. We can also set a value of capitalize to capitalize the first letter in each word.
- text-decoration is used to add flourishes to our text. We can set a value of underline, overline, or even line-through. Anchor tags have an automatic style of underline, to change this we can set the text-decoration value to none.
There are so many others to discover, like font-weight, line-height and letter-spacing (just to name a few!). Take web development with us to learn about them in detail!
Class Exercise: CSS Typography Part 2
Let's add the base font to the body element, so all the descendant elements can inherit this style. While we're here, let's add a base font-size!
body {
font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
font-size: 18px;
Let's take some time to change our text to make sure it looks like the design!
h1 {
color: white;
font-size: 120px;
h2 {
font-size: 42px;
The CSS Box Model describes the way CSS determines the size and spacing of HTML elements. To the browser, every HTML element is a rectangular/square box.
There are 5 CSS properties used to determine size and spacing:
- width can set the horizontal size of an element
- height can set the vertical size of an element
- margin adds/removes space around an element
- padding adds/removes space inside of an element
- border adds a border around the outside of an element
![image of the box model](assets/margin-and-padding.png)
Margin and Padding
Both margin and padding can be declared by targeting different sides of the element. A variety of measurement units can be used, but today we will stick to pixels and viewport height.
The browser has some defaults when it comes to padding and margin. We can override these defaults by setting a value. Setting the value to "0" will remove any default space and any positive value will add space.
div {
padding-top: 2px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-left: 2px;
margin-top: 2px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
margin-left: 2px;
Let's try this out.
Class Exercise: Spacing
Let's add some padding to the top of our header section so our h1 is somewhat centered.
header {
/* ... */
padding-top: 25vh;
Let's use margin to remove the browser default space around our <h1> and <h2> tags.
Note: The below selector is selecting two different elements by using a comma and giving them the same style!
h2 {
margin: 0; /* removes default margin */
We're going to need to add some clickable space or padding to our anchor elements!
a {
padding-top: 18px;
padding-bottom: 18px;
padding-left: 26px;
padding-right: 26px;
Let's add some margin to our paragraphs.
p {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 40px;
Extra Features
Class Exercise: CSS Magic
We've gone ahead and written some fun CSS for when you hover on one of our links. To see it in action, add a class name shimmer to each anchor element.
<a class="shimmer" href="#about">Read More</a>
Please keep in mind the site is not responsive, which means if you move your screen to be different sizes, your page will look very different and may even look a bit broken! Responsive design is taught in detail in our Web Development courses!
Ready to Learn More?
Join our next Web Development Bootcamp!
Extra Resources
- Check out Favourite Free Resources
- Grab a copy of our Bootcamp Student Outcomes Report
- Download the Web Development Student Experience Package
If your questions were not answered in today’s session, please use this form to send us any questions you have about Juno’s events and courses.